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Praise Through Prayer

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Mark 11:24-25

I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve

received it, it will be yours.

But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too

Matthew 6:9-15

Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

May your Kingdom come soon.May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven Give us today the food we need and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one

“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.

But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

James 5:16

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

This is God's gift to a righteous person

READ Why we read Scripture

Jesus Baptized by John, received the Holy Spirit and then went straight to 40 days of fasting - Satan Temps

Luke 4:3-4

Then the devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become a loaf of bread

But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone

Luke 4:7-8

I will give it all to you if you will worship me.” Jesus replied, “The Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the LORD your God and serve only him

Luke 4:9-12

Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and said, “If you are the Son of God, jump off! For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels to protect and guard you. And they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.

Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the LORD your God


Matthew 25:37-40

“Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink?

Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing?

When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters you were doing it to me

Matthew 5:16

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

John 1:6-8

God sent a man, John the Baptist

to tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony.

John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light.

John 15:26-27

“But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.

And you must also testify about me because you have been with me from the beginning of my ministry.

You do not have to prove the Bible to someone, just tell YOUR STORY Tell my story!!!!!!!


Romans 1:12

When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.

2 Corinthians 7:6-7

But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus.

His presence was a joy, but so was the news he brought of the encouragement he received from you. When he told us how much you long to see me, and how sorry you are for what happened, and how loyal you are to me, I was filled with joy!


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